Shipping Policy

At Lotz Liquidation Company, we strive to provide a smooth and efficient shipping process for our customers. Please review our shipping policy below:

Shipping Method

  • We offer loading services for customers who purchase Amazon and Flipkart return inventory in bulk. We do not provide transportation services or arrange shipping vehicles on behalf of customers.
  • Customers are responsible for arranging their own transportation and providing a suitable truck or vehicle for loading the purchased goods.

Shipping Charges

  • Shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer and will be communicated during the checkout process.
  • The shipping charges are based on the distance, weight, and volume of the goods, as well as any additional services requested by the customer.
  • All shipping charges must be paid by the customer prior to the scheduled loading date.

Loading Process

  • Once the customer’s payment is confirmed, we will coordinate a mutually agreed loading date and time.
  • The customer must ensure that their truck or vehicle is ready and available for loading at the scheduled time.
  • Our team will load the purchased goods into the customer’s truck or vehicle at our warehouse in New Delhi, India.

Customer Responsibility

  • It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that their truck or vehicle is suitable for transporting the purchased goods.
  • The customer must provide accurate and complete information regarding their truck or vehicle to facilitate the loading process.
  • The customer is responsible for any additional costs or damages incurred during transportation.

Delivery and Tracking

  • As we do not arrange shipping vehicles or transportation services, we do not provide tracking information for the goods once they are loaded onto the customer’s truck or vehicle.
  • The customer is responsible for the safe transportation and delivery of the goods to their desired destination.

Limitation of Liability

  • Lotz Liquidation Company shall not be held responsible for any damages, losses, or delays incurred during transportation or delivery.
  • We recommend that customers secure appropriate insurance coverage for the goods during transit.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding our shipping policy, please contact our customer support team at [email protected]